Complaints Policy.

Complaints Procedure

This notice sets out details of the complaints procedure which we operate to try to resolve any complaints which you may have in relation to the services that we provide. This procedure is aimed at resolving complaints quickly and satisfactorily and further improving the quality of the service we provide.

How do you make a complaint?

If you are unhappy with the service we have provided to you, you should feel free to raise this immediately during any interaction with a Bailiff Rescue member of staff.  We will always endeavour to resolve any issue immediately if it is possible to do so.

Should this not be possible, or if you remain dissatisfied, then you should make it known to us that you wish the matter to be taken forward as a complaint.  This can be done verbally by telephone (03308226521), by email to

How will we handle your complaint?

Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 days of receipt and then taken forward by a manager, who may need to contact you initially for further information in order to better understand the issues at hand.  We will always seek to find a satisfactory resolution quickly (within 7 days) if possible.

If circumstances mean that a rapid resolution is not possible then a full investigation into all the circumstances of the matter will take place. A Final Response letter will be sent to you within 28 working days confirming whether your complaint has been upheld, in full or in part and the reasons for the decision.  Where applicable, you will be advised of what steps the company will take to put things right and to ensure the same problem does not re-occur.

It is the company’s aim to resolve any complaint satisfactorily within 28 working days, although occasionally where more detailed investigation is required the process may take longer. If this is the case then you will be notified of this extended timescale.

What if you are unhappy about how your complaint has been handled?

If you are not satisfied with our final response, or indeed at any point in the process, you can raise a complaint with the Insolvency Practitioner’s professional body via the Insolvency Complaints Gateway.  This can be done by visiting the Insolvency Service website at and completing and submitting their online form.

Complaints can also be by post to: IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA or by calling the Insolvency Service Enquiry Line on 0300 678 0015 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm).  A summary of the IPA’s complaint procedure can be found at:

Some bailiffs we have stopped

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